
Mon - Sat : 9:30am - 06:30pm, (IST)

Office Timings

Rajgiri - Red

Rajgiri Red

The one-of-a-kind medical advantages of amaranth might incorporate its capacity to animate development and fix, lessen aggravation, forestall specific ongoing illnesses, help bone strength, and lower circulatory strain. It works on the resistant framework, diminishes the presence of varicose veins, keeps up with sound hair, and straightforward weight reduction endeavors. The remarkable medical advantages of amaranth might incorporate its capacity to animate development and fix, decrease irritation, forestall specific ongoing illnesses, help bone strength, and lower circulatory strain. It works on the insusceptible framework, diminishes the presence of varicose veins, keeps up with solid hair, and straightforward weight reduction endeavours.

# Seeds Descriptions
1 Crop Rajgiri 7 Sowing Season Kharif and rabi
2 Variety Red 8 Spacing 2 to 3 Inches
3 Plant Type Herbs 9 Watering As per package of practice
4 Leaf Color Light red 10 Preparation of the main field As per package of practice
5 Days to maturity 40-45 days
(Multi Cutting)
11 Plant Protection As per package of practice
6 Soil Black sandy soil