
Mon - Sat : 9:30am - 06:30pm, (IST)

Office Timings

Menthe - Joara


Fenugreek seeds and leaves are unequivocally sweet-smelling and delightful. The seeds are severe, however lose their harshness if gently broiled. They are plentiful in nutrients like thiamin, folic corrosive, riboflavin, niacin, nutrients A, B6, and C, and are a rich storage facility of numerous minerals like copper, potassium, calcium, iron, selenium, zinc, manganese, and magnesium. Fenugreek seeds are a rich wellspring of trigonelline, lysine, and l-tryptophan. The seeds additionally contain countless saponins and strands that might represent a large number of the medical advantages of fenugreek. Coming up next are some of how the fenugreek spice has been utilised customarily for treating an assortment of conditions.

# Seeds Descriptions
1 Crop Menthe (fenugreek) 7 Sowing Season Kharif and rabi
2 Variety Joara 8 Spacing No spacing (Powder form)
3 Plant Type Herbs 9 Watering As per package of practice
4 Leaf Color Green round leaf 10 Preparation of the main field As per package of practice
5 Days to maturity 45-50 days 11 Plant Protection As per package of practice
6 Soil Black sandy soil